World of Warcraft Apple M1 Macbook Air Benchmarks at 2560×1400 and 1920×1080
Overall, World of Warcraft ran amazingly on the Apple M1. I was surprised at how well the Apple M1 Mac Book Air with only 8GB of memory was able to run World of Warcraft (WoW). It may help that that WoW actually was one of the first third-party games to run natively on the Apple M1 on its day of launch.
Check out the following quick gameplay and see for yourself:
Summary of World of Warcraft Apple M1 Macbook Air Benchmarks
Benchmarks were measured in frames per second, and are a rough average based on the in game FPS counter in World of Warcraft. The resolutions tested were on the native display max resolution of 2560×1440 and a standard hd resolution of 1920x1080p.

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