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Category Archives: Overwatch

Best Overwatch Support Heroes

Choosing the Best Support Hero / Character in Overwatch

If you see yourself being a hero that is best empowered to help their fellow team mates through healing, shielding, giving boosts to damage and keeping the team afoot – then try some of the following support heroes in Overwatch. Overwatch Supporters are generally weaker in

Best Overwatch Defense Heroes

Choosing the Best Defensive Hero / Character in Overwatch

If you see yourself as a hero that try to best control the battlefield by interrupting enemy attacks by fortifying locations and stopping the enemies attacks from hunting your team mates, then you may want to try out being a defense hero in Overwatch. Defensive heroes

The Best Overwatch Heroes and Characters

The Best Overwatch Characters & Heroes by Role

In Overwatch there are 21 Heroes / Characters to choose from, each with their unique attacks, skills and abilities. Each character is rated based on a three star system, with 1 star being easier to use than an Overwatch character rated with a full 3 stars. From