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Top 3 Best & Fastest Motorcycles For Racing GTA V

Last Updated: February 11th, 2020

Motorcycles are a unique racing class of their own in GTA V. They can be extremely fun to race with while being some of the fastest vehicles in the game and at the same time they can be the most frustrating, especially for newer racers since the risk of hitting a barrier and falling off is so easy. You can quickly see that racing with motorbikes requires a slightly different racing methodology and once mastered makes it an adrenaline rushed experience competing against fellow racers. Below you will find the top three motorbikes for racing in GTA V with specific descriptions for what makes each bike good – as each bike may present a better purchase for specific types of races.

One tip for anyone racing motorcycles in GTA V if you want to get these fastest motorcycle speed possible is to always lean backwards on your bike, even if your wheels don’t seem to lift off of the ground this will still give a a very slight edge. Even after several GTA V updates, the following bikes are still the best choice for GTA motorbikes for racing. If one were to actually rate overall racing for bikes beyond actual races, then the Oppressor would win hands down using its rocket boost.


1. Best GTA V Motorbike – Nagasaki Shotaro

nagasaki-shotaro-gta-v-motorcycle-tronNow even though this bike is super super fast, it may not be worth getting over the Hakuchou Drag (seen below). This is because of the HUGE price difference between those two motorbikes, and the Shotaro is actually slightly slower in a straigh line race. So technically the Shotaro IS the best bike to currently get, but just barely. So if you are tight on cash get the Hakuchou Drag, or if you are swimming in cash get the Nagasaki Shotaro, plain and simple!

Nagasaki Shotaro Stats

  • Acceleration (0-60mph): n/a
  • Top Speed (mph): 126.5mph
  • Engine (Capacity + Layout + Fuel): n/a
  • Drivetrain (AWD / FWD / RWD): n/a
  • Gearbox (Number + Type): n/a
  • Mass (lb): n/a

2. Best GTA V Motorbike – Shitzu Hakuchou Drag


The first best bike in town when the GTA V Bikers Update was released, the Shitzu Hakachou Drag. This was the best overall motorcycle for raving in GTA V before the Shotaro and may still be (see above). This bike came out with the recent GTA V Bikers update. This is now one of the fastest land vehicles in the game (the regular Hakuchou can still beat it in a straight land race though as the overall fastest) and this bike is th only bike that gets faster the mor you lean forward; as opposed to backwards in most other bike in GTA V.

Hakuchou Drag Stats

  • Acceleration (0-60mph): n/a
  • Top Speed (mph): 126.5mph
  • Engine (Capacity + Layout + Fuel): n/a
  • Drivetrain (AWD / FWD / RWD): n/a
  • Gearbox (Number + Type): n/a
  • Mass (lb): n/a

3. Best GTA V Motorbike – Pegassi Bati 801

Bati 801 - Fastest GTA V Motorcycle for RacingOn most tracks the Bati 801 will give you a better lap time over the below third place mentioned Akuma. This is because it has better traction, higher top speed and better braking. The biggest difference between the Bati 801 and the Akuma, is that the Akuma does have better acceleration. To get the most of the Bati 801 you have to better really good at cornering and get that front wheel up as much as possible.

The ultimate in going 0-80 in 2.3, then 80-0 in a fraction as you slide under a tractor trailer truck.“―Description fomr the in game store –

Bati 801 Stats

  • Acceleration (0-60mph): n/a
  • Top Speed (mph): n/a
  • Engine (Capacity + Layout + Fuel): n/a
  • Drivetrain (AWD / FWD / RWD): n/a
  • Gearbox (Number + Type): n/a
  • Mass (lb): 230

4. Best GTA V Motorbike – Dinka Akuma

Dinka Akuma GTA V Motorcycle for RacingThis bike flies and is a very consistent bike to drive with and it has super acceleration. This bike however doesn’t quite hit the best top speed or the greatest traction. If one were to choose to race with this bike though, you won’t be disappointed and can definitely have some success while racing.

Akuma Stats

  • Acceleration (0-60mph): n/a
  • Top Speed (mph): n/a
  • Engine (Capacity + Layout + Fuel): n/a
  • Drivetrain (AWD / FWD / RWD): RWD
  • Gearbox (Number + Type): 5
  • Mass (lb): 250

Previous Motorcycles on the List

The following were the previous motorcycles on the GTA V best motorcyles to race with list. As we add better and better bikes above, the top 3 will get pushed down to the below.

5. Best GTA V Motorbike– Shitzu Hakuchou

Shitzu Hakuchou GTA V Racing MotorcycleIf you can get the front wheel up on the Hackuchou, then you can really get the speed up on this bike. This is a great bike for those long straight races, it however lacks some traction when cornering with it being a little heavy. The main benefit of this bike is the straight line races. This is the GO TO bike for top speed type races.

Hakuchou Stats

  • Acceleration (0-60mph): n/a
  • Top Speed (mph): n/a
  • Engine (Capacity + Layout + Fuel): n/a
  • Drivetrain (AWD / FWD / RWD): n/a
  • Gearbox (Number + Type): n/a
  • Mass (lb): n/a

Check Out The Other Fastest GTA V Vehicles in Each Class

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