Pegassi Reaper Super Car GTA 5

The Pegassi Reaper is a super car that was released with the Grand Theft Auto 5 Finance & Felony DLC update. At the time of writing this article and at the time of this recent release, this car is approximately the 7th fastest / best to race with super car in GTA V. In races this car is very quick and is probably the most similar to the Entity or Turismo R. There isn;t a ton of upgrade options on this car, but there are a few for those wanting to purchase a modify for racing.
- Purchase Price: $1 595 000
Pegassi Reaper Details
“Statisitcally, use of the accelerator in a Pegassi Reaper is more likely to cause a fatal brain hemorrhage than any other activity known to medical science. Fighter pilots have to undergo years of training before experiencing this kind of g-force, but luckily for you the only qualifications required to get behind the wheel are an above-average credit rating and a hearty contempt for the poor. Diamond-finish cup holders and live-in butler come as a standard. (
Below you can view a video of each the Pegassi Reaper being used in a GTA V online race.